Labidochromis vellicans "Gome"
Labidochromis vellicans has some geographical variants which can be found on several locations along the rocky coasts in the southern part of the lake; along the western coast southern from Senga Point up to and including Mpande Island (from there further on in the southern part, they are not found) and along the eastern side of the lake you can find them southern from Minos Reef to Chinyamwezi Island, from here towards the south they are also not found. This variant can be found in the neighbourhood of Gome.
In the lake the males of these species can grow to 10 cm, in the aquarium however they can grow a little taller because of a good feeding. The males can then grow to about 12 cm, females grow to about 8 cm.
Labidochromis vellicans is one of the most peaceful small cichlids of the lake, mutual and against other species they are very tolerant. You can best keep this species with multiple females and a lot of hiding places in the aquarium, with other not too agressive mbuna.
In the lake they are mainly feeding themselves with algae which they find on the rocks. In the aquarium they are comfortable with any food. They take everything they get offered, like spirulina pellets, mysis, artemia, cyclops and shrimp-peas mix.